
Forest is a global-bounds scene object provides collision and rendering for a (.forest) data file.



Forest is a global-bounds scene object provides collision and rendering for a (.forest) data file.

Forest is designed to efficiently render a large number of static meshes: trees, rocks plants, etc. These cannot be moved at game-time or play animations but do support wind effects using vertex shader transformations guided by vertex color in the asset and user placed wind emitters ( or weapon explosions ).

Script level manipulation of forest data is not possible through Forest, it is only the rendering/collision. All editing is done through the world editor.


void Forest::clear()
bool Forest::isDirty()
void Forest::regenCells()


filename Forest::dataFile

The source forest data file.

float Forest::lodReflectScalar

Scalar applied to the farclip distance when Forest renders into a reflection.

bool Forest::saveDataFile

saveDataFile( [path] )