
Base class for defining a type of ForestItem. It does not implement loading or rendering of the shapeFile.



Base class for defining a type of ForestItem. It does not implement loading or rendering of the shapeFile.


float ForestItemData::branchAmp

Amplitude of the effect on larger branches.

bool ForestItemData::collidable

Can other objects or spacial queries hit items of this type.

float ForestItemData::dampingCoefficient

Coefficient used in calculating spring forces on the trunk. Causes oscillation and forces to decay faster over time.

float ForestItemData::detailAmp

Amplitude of the winds effect on leafs/fronds.

float ForestItemData::detailFreq

Frequency (speed) of the effect on leafs/fronds.

float ForestItemData::mass

Mass used in calculating spring forces on the trunk. Generally how springy a plant is.

float ForestItemData::radius

Radius used during placement to ensure items are not crowded.

float ForestItemData::rigidity

Rigidity used in calculating spring forces on the trunk. How much the plant resists the wind force.

filename ForestItemData::shapeFile

Shape file for this item type.

float ForestItemData::tightnessCoefficient

Coefficient used in calculating spring forces on the trunk. How much the plant resists bending.

float ForestItemData::trunkBendScale

Overall bend amount of the tree trunk by wind and impacts.

float ForestItemData::windScale

Overall scale to the effect of wind.