
Represents a destructible physical object simulated through the plugin system.



Represents a destructible physical object simulated through the plugin system.


void PhysicsShape::destroy()

Disables rendering and physical simulation. Calling destroy() will also spawn any explosions, debris, and/or destroyedShape defined for it, as well as remove it from the scene graph. Destroyed objects are only created on the server. Ghosting will later update the client.

bool PhysicsShape::isDestroyed()

Returns if a PhysicsShape has been destroyed or not.

void PhysicsShape::restore()

Restores the shape to its state before being destroyed. Re-enables rendering and physical simulation on the object and adds it to the client’s scene graph. Has no effect if the shape is not destroyed.


bool PhysicsShape::playAmbient

Enables or disables playing of an ambient animation upon loading the shape.