
Functions and classes relating to to user input.


Input events come from the OS, are translated in the platform layer and then posted to the game. By default the game then checks the input event against a global ActionMap (which supercedes all other action handlers). If there is no action specified for the event, it is passed on to the GUI system. If the GUI does not handle the input event it is passed to the currently active (non-global) ActionMap stack.

Example: the user presses the ~ (tilde) key, which is bound in the global ActionMap to toggleConsole.

This causes the console function associated with the bind to be executed, which in this case is toggleConsole, resulting in the console output window being shown. If the key had not been bound in the global map, it would have passed to the first gui that could have handled it, and if none did, it would pass to any game actions that were bound to that key.

Input Events

The following table represents all keyboard, mouse, and joystick input events available to stock Torque 3D. It should be noted that letter and number keys directly correlate to their mapping. For example “a” is literally the letter a. The button0, button1, and button2 are the most commonly used input mappings for left mouse button, right mouse button, and middle mouse button (respectively).

Keyboard General Events:

backspace end win_apps tilde
tab home cmd minus
return left equals enter
up lopt lbracket opt
shift right ropt rbracket
ctrl down numlock backslash
alt print scrolllock semicolon
pause insert rshift apostrophe
capslock delete lcontrol comma
escape help rcontrol period
space win_lwindow lalt slash
pagedown win_rwindow ralt lessthan


All general keys can be bound by simply using the key… ex. “u” will trigger the u key response.

Keyboard Numpad Events:

numpad0 numpad5 numpad9 numpadminus
numpad1 numpad6 numpadadmult numpaddecimal
numpad2 numpad7 numpadadd numpaddivide
numpad3 numpad8 numpadsep numpadenter

Keyboard Function Key Events:

f1 f7 f13 f19
f2 f8 f14 f20
f3 f9 f15 f21
f4 f10 f16 f22
f5 f11 f17 f23
f6 f12 f18 f24

Joystick/Mouse Events:

button0 button8 button16 button24
button1 button9 button17 button25
button2 button10 button18 button26
button3 button11 button19 button27
button4 button12 button20 button28
button5 button13 button21 button29
button6 button14 button22 button30
button7 button15 button23 button31

Joystick/Mouse Axes:

xaxis zaxis ryaxis slider
yaxis rxaxis rzaxis  

Joystick POV:

xpov dpov xpov2 dpov2
ypov lpov ypov2 lpov2
upov rpov upov2 rpov2

Miscellaneous Events:

anykey nomatch


void activateDirectInput()

Activates DirectInput. Also activates any connected joysticks.

void deactivateDirectInput()

Disables DirectInput. Also deactivates any connected joysticks.

void disableJoystick()

Disables use of the joystick.

Note: DirectInput must be enabled and active to use this function.

void disableXInput()

Disables XInput for Xbox 360 controllers.

void echoInputState()

Prints information to the console stating if DirectInput and a Joystick are enabled and active.

bool enableJoystick()

Enables use of the joystick.


DirectInput must be enabled and active to use this function.

bool enableXInput()

Enables XInput for Xbox 360 controllers.


XInput is enabled by default. Disable to use an Xbox 360 Controller as a joystick device.

ActionMap getCurrentActionMap()

Returns the current ActionMap.

See also


int getXInputState(int controllerID, string property, bool current)

Queries the current state of a connected Xbox 360 controller.

XInput Properties:

  • XI_THUMBLX, XI_THUMBLY - X and Y axes of the left thumbstick.
  • XI_THUMBRX, XI_THUMBRY - X and Y axes of the right thumbstick.
  • XI_LEFT_TRIGGER, XI_RIGHT_TRIGGER - Left and Right triggers.
  • SI_UPOV, SI_DPOV, SI_LPOV, SI_RPOV - Up, Down, Left, and Right on the directional pad.
  • XI_START, XI_BACK - The Start and Back buttons.
  • XI_LEFT_THUMB, XI_RIGHT_THUMB - Clicking in the left and right thumbstick.
  • XI_LEFT_SHOULDER, XI_RIGHT_SHOULDER - Left and Right bumpers.
  • XI_A, XI_B , XI_X, XI_Y - The A, B, X, and Y buttons.
  • controllerID – Zero-based index of the controller to return information about.
  • property – Name of input action being queried, such as “XI_THUMBLX”.
  • current – True checks current device in action.

Button queried - 1 if the button is pressed, 0 if it’s not. Thumbstick queried - Int representing displacement from rest position. Trigger queried - Int from 0 to 255 representing how far the trigger is displaced.

bool isJoystickEnabled()

Queries input manager to see if a joystick is enabled.

Returns:1 if a joystick exists and is enabled, 0 if it’s not.
bool isXInputConnected(int controllerID)

Checks to see if an Xbox 360 controller is connected.

Parameters:controllerID – Zero-based index of the controller to check.
Returns:1 if the controller is connected, 0 if it isn’t, and 205 if XInput hasn’t been initialized.
void lockMouse(bool isLocked)

Lock or unlock the mouse to the window.

When true, prevents the mouse from leaving the bounds of the game window.

void resetXInput()

Rebuilds the XInput section of the InputManager.

Requests a full refresh of events for all controllers. Useful when called at the beginning of game code after actionMaps are set up to hook up all appropriate events.

void rumble(string device, float xRumble, float yRumble)

Activates the vibration motors in the specified controller.

The controller will constantly at it’s xRumble and yRumble intensities until changed or told to stop.Valid inputs for xRumble/yRumble are [0 - 1].

  • device – Name of the device to rumble.
  • xRumble – Intensity to apply to the left motor.
  • yRumble – Intensity to apply to the right motor.


In an Xbox 360 controller, the left motor is low-frequency, while the right motor is high-frequency.